Have you ever seen a hamster wheel before? Those cute little creatures run a hundred miles an hour to keep wheeling themselves, almost like there is no other choice in their life.

We are living in a society where we can easily resource ourselves; they are readily available for us.

You’re probably thinking, “What does that have to do with a hamster wheel?”

Lately, I’ve started hearing more of, “I think I might have ADHD” from clients or even amongst friends who are causally talking about their health.

My question always starts like this... '

“Okay, how did you find that potentially you have ADHD? Did you have a chance to see your GP or have specialists gone through a proper assessment for your diagnosis?”

Interestingly, most answers are coming from, “Well, I have been watching some social media and people are talking about it. Some symptoms match mine.”

After this, I know it’s time for me to zip my mouth… Do you know why?

What has the world become when people can influence strangers on the screen to determine our state of health?

This is the part that I have been thinking a lot about lately. How can I assist my clients and loved ones – friends and families to shift their mindset?

Where is our own intuition to listen to ourselves and take action accordingly?

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy using technology, including social media to a certain extent. They allow me to connect with people who I am not able to physically connect with; such as families or friends who are outside of my area, and even some work-related events.

Trust me I understand that its value and I appreciate that too.

I see the medical system has own its challenges, people are more prone to become sicker and sicker and increase the number of chronic health more than ever such as cancers, obesity cardiovascular health and so forth. 

In my opinion, to break the vicious cycle is to step up to look after our own health so that we can create better relationships with our health.

Another way of thinking is imprinting positive ripple effects, starting from you feeling well for yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.

This will help you to become a role model for your loved ones such as your children, husband and wife, parents, students, colleagues etc.

As a naturopath, I am always seeking for what is the best option for people who come and see me to improve their health.

I enjoy tailoring the treatment protocols depending on where they are at.

For example, a client came to see me after trying several health supports, including self-help and they had not seen any significant changes and felt stuck and did not what to do to make a shift.

I observe those challenges are quite often related to their mindset of self-doubt and self-limiting decisions and beliefs.

Straight asking them about their diet, what they have been feeding themselves or how often they exercise weekly may not necessarily help them move forward.


Because it could potentially create another layer of self-doubt like, “I am not good enough to keep up a good diet and other health regimes, I can’t even eat properly...” for example.

Rather, I move them to the state which can have a potential negative effect on them, I work on their mindsets together as a team.

Find out through careful observations to judge what the ROOT CAUSE of self-doubt or self-limiting beliefs and decisions and REMOVE the blockage accumulated over the years and replace it with POSITIVE COMMUNICATION techniques.

Careful observation is crucial for me to offer the best possible service to each person, therefore initial consultations can take around 90 minutes or more to spend time with the client.

This also proves to my clients that I care about each person very much with huge respect.

And you know what, this has had remarkable results I have witnessed with clients so far!

I really enjoy and love offering the service because the impacts and outcomes that they have received are so significant and make me really happy and proud!

The great outcomes for clients are a MUST for me as a practitioner, because I am 100% sure that I am a part of the positive ripple that affects their loved ones, friends family and community.

And a person who I haven’t met will do something nice to another person who I will probably never meet in my life, wow that will give me goosebumps.

And you now know the ripples will just continue to spread… right?

So, you know now how to break the hamster wheel and if you want to become a part of the ripple effect, I encourage you to start asking questions to yourself of what has led me to the state where I am now.

Asking questions is a great start to understanding yourself and working with the right practitioner to guide you through this to find the core challenge and work with that.

This method will assist you tremendously in achieving your goals faster and receiving better results and outcomes in your life.

Your outcomes can be simple like, I want to eat healthy foods so that I can feel well physically, mentally and emotionally.

Or, I feel calmer to do things and therefore I enjoy my day off with my family. I see things are falling into place, I am feeling happier and less overwhelmed nowadays, and I know my needs now.

My motto is that I remain open-minded and listen to what the person in front of me wants in their life.

It is always fascinating to find out about a person’s life by sharing some of their stories.

I believe that life is interesting and special for each one of us.

So my question is to you, what are you waiting for to make some changes in your life?

Let’s be a part of positive ripple effects and get off the hamster wheel, you are the wheeler instead of being wheeled.

How does it sound to you? Can you visualize yourself feeling good about “Get off the hamster wheel state”?

The next step is that you can pick up your phone and call me, or message me!

Tel: 0478 891 391

Email: info@purejoynaturopathy.com.au

Thank you for tuning in and looking forward to connecting with you!


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