Living with purpose in life has become my philosophy; it applies to my lifestyle as well as when I serve people, I can confidently and passionately say that I found my IKIGAI.

Ikigai is a Japanese word that translates to: a reason for being, encompassing joy, having a sense of purpose and meaning and a feeling of wellbeing. As a naturopath, I firmly believe in the holistic approach; Ikigai – living with purpose is one of the most crucial elements for overall health. 

A few years ago, when I was dealing with mild depression, I went on a quest to find new happiness after my heart was truly and utterly broken.

Looking back, everything seemed to be out of reach; each day I struggled, cried. I envied other people who looked like they had nothing to worry about.

Now however, I am proud of how far I have come, receiving a qualification in naturopathy and starting my own naturopathic business.

Let’s face it, when we have a positive mindset, great things happen and manifest in real life. I believe that this happened to me.

IKIGAI is such a vital for our wellbeing. Let’s talk more in detail about Ikigai. Why is so important?

First I would like to introduce some people around the world who are living their life fully both mentally and physically. Do you know where those people are? I am sure some of you have heard of it; they are called blue zones.

People who live in blue zones such as Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), The Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica), and Ikaria (Greece);  eat locally produced fresh foods, they are active, not necessarily doing strenuous exercise , but staying active, walking, gardening, even dancing together with their friends. They also love being connected with other people in their area, creating a supportive community for themselves.

You see, blue zone people are not just eating healthy foods, they somehow know exactly how to content themselves to be happy. They enjoy their company when go for a walk, or gardening together.

Those people are not necessarily well educated, wealthy, or materialistic; they simply appreciate the little things.

I hope now you are getting to understand what is true happiness. Happiness does not come from earning millions of dollars, or getting promotions and becoming famous.

True happiness comes from within. Trust in our own ability, see it with our own eyes. When we really start seeing things, it vibrates life. Life is so fragile and like a blink of an eye, time slips away so fast.

Creating a flow in our lives is the key to being successful and finding our IKIGAI. What type of activity can provide you mindfulness and allow you to be in the moment? Is it when you are playing sport, or playing a music instrument?

Find things that you love and enjoy, almost so you can forget time passing, rather than looking at the clock every minute.

My ultimate dream is to spread the IKIGAI concept globally; can you imagine that the world will be a better place. No matter what race, gender, religion or background we come from, we all live on the same planet. I believe that we have an obligation to maintain our planet earth healthy for future generations.


Let’s start from today to find your IKIGAI and live with purpose. What is your reason to be here, in this lifetime?


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